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36, Scorpio, Colombia, Medellin
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Important details of pink2019
Sex Female
Interested In Females, Males, Couples, Trans
Age 36
Height 5' - 5'3" [150cm - 160cm]
Weight 100 - 120 lbs [45 - 55 kg]
Hair Brunette
Eyes Brown
Ethnicity Latino/Hispanic
Languages Spanish, English
Hometown Medellin
Pubic Hair Shaved
Bust Medium
Butt Medium
What makes me horny
Confidence: A confident and confident attitude can be very charming

Sense of humor: The ability to make someone laugh and share moments of fun and joy

Attention and care: Show genuine interest, listen and care about well-being

Passion: Having passion for what you do and for life in general is very exciting.

Intelligence: A sharp and insightful mind can be very seductive and stimulating

Sensitivity: Showing sensitivity and empathy towards the person's feelings and needs is very attractive and stimulating. ROSA
About Me
I enjoy making work fun and joyful, which demonstrates my positive approach and ability to find joy in everyday tasks. Staying updated is important to me, which is having a curious mind and a constant desire to learn and grow.

Balance is fundamental in my life, and I find harmony and well-being through practices like yoga. This discipline not only helps me stay physically healthy, but also nourishes your mind and spirit, providing me with a sense of calm and serenity amidst the daily hustle and bustle.

I value my health and well-being, which is reflected in my dedication to feeling healthy and vital. My commitment to self-care and personal well-being is admirable and helps me live a full and satisfying life.

In short, I am a balanced person, curious and committed to my health and well-being, who finds joy in the small things in life and knows how to find harmony in a world full of activities and challenges.ROSA
What turns me off
Lack of respect: Lack of respect for women, whether in the form of derogatory comments, disrespectful behavior, or lack of consideration for their feelings, can be very turning off.

Selfishness: Focusing solely on yourself and showing no interest in the woman's needs or desires can be discouraging.

Lack of sincerity: Lack of honesty and authenticity can breed distrust and make a woman feel disconnected.

Lack of personal hygiene: Lack of personal care, such as bad breath, strong body odor, or lack of cleanliness, can be a turn-off for many women.

Possessive or controlling attitudes: Trying to control or dominate a woman, or showing excessive jealousy, can be very discouraging and create a feeling of discomfort.

Constant Negativity: Being constantly negative or pessimistic can be discouraging and make a woman feel emotionally drained. ROSA
What I do on webcam:
Sex Questionnaire

You can ask paid questions on any topics of your interest to get to know even more about pink2019!

  1. 1. What’s your favorite sex position?

    El perrito

  2. 2. Why morning sex is the best?

    Es mucho mejor, te aviva la energía para empezar un nuevo dia

  3. 3. Domination or obedience?

    Me gustan las dos, solo lo dejas fluir

  4. 4. What was your best orgasm?

    Cuando se convierte en múltiples

  5. 5. Where would you like to have sex?

    En la montaña, en el río, en el mar

Working hours of pink2019
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pink2019 Wish List
"The country house is more than four walls, it is the place where dreams are cultivated and the soul flourishes." "In the desire for a country house, hides the longing to return to the roots and connect with nature."
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"May your life always be full of flowers, because where flowers bloom, hope grows." "Each flower is a reminder that even on the darkest days, beauty can bloom."
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Comments (12)
thanks for being so funny
Bella por dentro y por fuera
Dear friends. I want to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude for your generosity and kindness. Your support has meant a lot to me and has made a real difference in my life. I feel truly blessed to have you in my life and to have people who are my circle of support.ROSA
a gem among people
I like her sense of humor. Sensual and coquette. Although she doesn't sit undressed all the time, it affects the senses more than others. By the way, Rose you should show more yours great body 😉😘
women from other planet <3
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I am a loyal and honest person, who values ​​integrity and authenticity in relationships. My loving nature is reflected in my ability to care for and support your loved ones. My attention to detail demonstrates my desire to make special moments even more meaningful. Family is important to me, and I enjoy spending time with my loved ones and creating lasting memories together.

I am respectful towards others and value the diversity of opinions and experiences. I enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the countryside, suggesting a deep connection with nature and an appreciation for moments of calm and reflection. My empirical approach means that I rely on experience and direct observation to understand the world around me, indicating a curious and analytical mind.

My broad musical taste reflects my versatility and my ability to adapt to different moods and situations. This variety in my musical preferences is open-minded and receptive to new experiences and emotions. In short, I am a well-rounded and multifaceted person, whose warmth, sincerity and curiosity make you someone who is a pleasure to be with and know. Please leave a comment on my profile if you liked ROSA